Substance Abuse Meeting for Students About to Attend DHS and Parents

All Darien High School students involved in any extracurricular activity and their parents are now required to attend one of the few scheduled school meetings about the dangers of substance abuse. And there’s one scheduled on Monday night especially for students about to complete Grade 8 and enter high school, along with one of their parents or guardians. The school district will have more of these meetings over the summer, but school officials say the one on Monday is expected to be the easiest one for parents and kids to attend, since it’s unlikely to interfere with summer activities. The meeting takes place from 7:15 to 9 p.m. on June 11 in the Darien High School Auditorium. At 6 p.m. the same night, Grade 8 students are invited to the high school Gym to learn about the athletic program.