Letter to the Editor Swords WWII

Former Board of Ed Members Say Caucusing Reduces Public Understanding of Issues

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To the editor:
As former Darien Board of Education (BoE) members, it was disappointing to hear that five Republican members of the BoE (a majority of the board), met, privately, calling their meeting a “caucus,” to discuss the BoE budget. Here’s why we care and why we all should care. Members of the BoE are elected by Darien voters to represent us as residents, taxpayers and to advocate on behalf of our children. When a majority of one party meets, in private, to make decisions on how money is spent on educating our children, those decisions have an end result of setting education policy for the district, thus impacting the quality of the education our children receive. Typically, these budget discussions are held in public with all nine BoE members.