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Letter: Stevenson-Marks-Koons Team Is Dedicated, Knowledgeable

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To the editor:
In a past life, before I began the task of raising my small children, I worked for many years in national politics.  Through that experience, I grew to know some truly exceptional leaders who share many of the same attributes that directly contribute to their leadership success. Due to my background, it is easy for me identify Jayme Stevenson, Susan Marks, and Kip Koons as qualified, dedicated and consistent leaders for our town.  Their unflinching commitment, selfless desire to serve and better the town, and wealth of knowledge regarding local issues is unmatched. This past Sunday, I was pleased to attend the Campaign Kick-Off for “Darien First”, the campaign to elect incumbent Jayme Stevenson (First Selectman), Susan Marks (Selectman) and Kip Koons (Selectman). The downtown event was a hit, and invited the broader community to chat with the candidates in a casual and fun way. The energy and enthusiasm surrounding the event was palpable, and the candidates did not disappoint on the stump.