Blood Pressure Check Blood Pressure Screening

Blood Pressure Screening at Darien Library

Come get your blood pressure checked by a nurse from the Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County. A nurse will be here on the first Tuesday of every month unless otherwise stated. Helpful Links

——What do your blood pressure numbers mean? ——Track your blood pressure with the American Heart Association’s website


— an announcement from Darien Library

Blood Pressure taken

You Can Get Your Blood Pressure Taken at Darien Library on Tuesday, Jan 7

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You can get your blood pressure checked any time from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. at Darien Library. A nurse from the Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County will be on the first floor of the library. — an announcement from Darien Library

Blood pressure screenings will be done by a nurse from the organization on the first Tuesday of every month unless the library announces otherwise. Some helpful links:

—What do your blood pressure numbers mean? —Track your blood pressure with the American Heart Association’s website.