The Darien Board of Selectmen will receive public comment on proposed changes to parking regulations on Monday, Sept. 10, 2018 at 8 p.m. in Town Hall, Room 206.

Darien Railroad Station Darien Train Station
Darien Railroad Station (photo by Picabu on Wikimedia Commons)
— an announcement from the Darien Board of Selectmen
The proposed changes would:
- Require that vehicles parked in a municipal lot be operative and compliant with applicable laws in the State in which they are registered.
- Give the Town the right to remove any non-operative vehicle parked in a municipal lot at the owner’s expense.
- Prohibit person(s) having any delinquent Town of Darien motor vehicle taxes or parking violations from being issued a Town of Darien Parking Permit until all delinquent motor vehicle taxes and parking violations have been paid.
The Board of Selectmen is seeking public comment pertinent to the proposed changes. Following this hearing, the Board of Selectmen will hear comment regarding issues related to vehicles queuing in the travel lanes of the Darien Train Station parking lot.