Letters to the Editor: From Spencer McIlmurray, Michael & Stephanie Murray

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McIlmurray: CGS § 8-30g Unfair to Seniors

To the editor:

Section 8-30g of the Connecticut General Statutes mandates that 10 percent of the housing stock in each municipality is qualified as affordable housing.

Given this, one would think that determining what is needed to reach attainment would be a simple mathematical calculation, right? But it is not. Why? Because the method used is based on a point system that varies by income level and occupancy type rather than a percentage of distinct physical units.

The current approach has unfavorable implications for our seniors. Specifically, this is because the affordable housing points awarded to non-senior dwellings range from one (for owners whose income is equal to or less than eighty percent of median income) to two and one-half (for renters whose income is equal to or less than forty percent of median income).

Relative to age-restricted housing, however, the statute stipulates that, “Elderly units restricted to persons and families whose income is equal to or less than eighty per cent of median income shall be awarded one-half point.”

In light of these differentials is it any wonder that proposals intended to increase senior affordable housing receive less than adequate attention in high-density municipalities? To my mind, this is unfair treatment. Our seniors deserve better.

I applaud the efforts of legislators in Hartford who have proposed bills to address this inequity (e.g., Senator Hwang and Representatives Bolinsky, Staneski, Vail, et.al.) and hope they will continue to press for this needed change.

Further, I encourage Darien’s state senators Duff and Leone and state representatives Tong and Wood to engage vigorously in this effort.

Spencer McIlmurray

McIlmurray is a candidate for Board of Selectman


Michael & Stephanie Murray: In Support of Stephenson-Marks-Koons Ticket

To the editor:

I write this letter in support of the team of Jayme Stevenson, Susan Marks and Kip Koons for

First Selectman and Selectman of Darien. We have seen firsthand their dedication, experience and commitment to our wonderful town. We will be well served when they are re-elected in November.

Please make a point to get to the voting booth and take nothing for granted on Election Day. These are highly qualified and dedicated candidates willing to serve our community. Thank you for your support.

Michael and Stephanie Murray

One thought on “Letters to the Editor: From Spencer McIlmurray, Michael & Stephanie Murray

  1. Pingback: Letter from State Rep. Terrie Wood, Replying to Spencer McIlmurray | Darienite

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