Letter: Take a Stand Against Donald Trump

Letter letters

Two-cent U.S. postage stamp. You, too can put in your two cents' worth with a letter to the editor published by Darienite.com. Email it to dave@darienite.com.

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To the editor:

This election cycle has been dominated by the despicable conduct of Donald Trump.  Time and again he has proven himself to be unfit for the job he seeks, levying personal attacks on individuals because of their gender or background.


Two-cent U.S. postage stamp. You, too can put your two cents in and get a letter to the editor published by Darienite.com. You don’t even have to mail it: Email it to dave@darienite.com

Few have escaped his attacks. His most recent attacks are being leveled at a well-respected federal judge charging that he isn’t qualified to do his job because of his heritage.

This is wrong. Hatred and bigotry are not Darien values.  In Darien, we teach our children to value and respect others, regardless of gender, background, religion or heritage.

We deserve the same from someone running for President of the United States. Let all of us in Darien speak as one, Democrat, Republican, and independent, stand up, speak out and rebuke this dangerous individual.

Michael Yantorno (Middlesex Road)

Barbara Yantorno (Middlesex Road)

Barbara Thorne (Dickinson Road)

Rob Richards (Edmond Street)

Randy Klein (Salt Box Lane)

Christine Castles (Dubois Street)

Elizabeth Hall (Sunset Road)

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