Letter: State Budget Disaster Requires Sound Leaders in Darien

Letter letters

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To the editor:

Now is not the time to mess with a good thing. “Fresh blood” in government can be tempting, and is sometimes justified. But not here. Not now.

The state budget is a disaster, and it will affect us directly for years to come. The damage done to Connecticut’s finances is arguably irreparable, and Darien will be asked to participate heavily in what amounts to a long-term bailout.

That may be inevitable — but to survive it with our property values, excellent schools and credit ratings intact, we must choose the right leaders. Leaders who will demand that for our contribution, critical changes be made. Anything less will ensure Darien is no more than a piggy bank to be sucked dry in the years to come.

Jayme, Susan and Kip are the team we need. They have the knowledge, experience and commitment to address these issues head-on. Please vote on Nov. 7.

Taylor Carter

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