In a change of plans (due to expected rainy weather), the Hindley Happening fair continues from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday at Hindley School.
Take a look:
Here’s an announcement from the Darien Youth Commission on the town government website:
Due to the rainy weather forecast for Saturday’s Hindley Happening event, the Hindley Fair committee is adding a portion of their event to include opening the rides to the public on May 12 Friday from 4 to 9 p.m.
Therefore, the TOPS sanctioned event as previously scheduled has been cancelled. We are pleased to announce though that the TOPS kids can enjoy the evening as follows:
- 6th grade TOPS — wristbands allowing students on ALL rides from 5 to 7 p.m. are available to TOPS members for $20 (free for already paid members)
- 7th/8th grade TOPS — wristbands allowing students on ALL rides from 7 to 9 p.m. are available to TOPS members for $20 (free for already paid members)
Again, this is no longer a TOPS sponsored event…we are thrilled though to be offering our kids this option. (They are more than welcome to attend at anytime from 4 to 9 p.m., paying Hindley Fair ticket prices during the hours we are not honoring the wristbands.)
Parents are responsible for all aspects of TOPS kids arriving and departing from this event as well as managing behavioral expectations.
(TOPS will not be providing refreshments, chaperones or guidance during arrival/departure.)
We hope you will consider supporting this very popular community event. Not only is the Hindley Happening fun for the whole family, it is the largest annual fundraiser the Hindley PTO sponsors.