Score Fairfield County logo thumbnail 5-9-16

Score Fairfield County logo thumbnail/Score Fairfield County logo thumbnail

A business plan is an essential road map for business success, but few small businesses ever complete a plan due to over-complicated approaches that entail too much theory, writing and detail.

Score Fairfield County logo 5-9-16Tuesday, May 10 from 6 to 8 p.m., check-in starts at 5:30 p.m.


This workshop will give you pragmatic, straightforward tools for setting goals, developing action plans for achieving them, measuring how you are doing on a ongoing basis and adjusting accordingly.

• What is a Business Plan and why should a business owner develop one?
• The “Business Plan Express” method for existing businesses
•  How to research the market – your industry, customers and competitors
• How to analyze your own business
• How to define/refine your business niche
• How to set business objectives
• How to create a simple action plan to achieve your objectives
• How to set up monthly tools to monitor your progress against your goals

About the presenter

John Harmon is an active SCORE counselor and Managing Director of Adulant Consulting Services which serves small and medium sized businesses on strategies for growth and operating excellence.

This workshop is presented by SCORE Fairfield County.


an announcement from Darien Library

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