At Home In Darien Logo 910-4-16

At Home In Darien has organized a walking group for Seniors, the Darien Steppers, that will meet weekly on Thursday mornings beginning Oct. 6. Every Thursday, the Steppers will meet at a predetermined location to walk various preplanned routes on the streets of our beautiful town.

The American Heart Association confirms that regular 30-minute brisk walks have unlimited health benefits. Walking with others keeps you motivated, improves your accountability and is a great social activity and way to meet new people.

Darien resident and Darien Steppers Coordinator, Jane Matthews encourages walkers saying, “Walk with us, it’s easy and stress free — make new friends and enjoy the fall weather.”

The program stemmed from the successful work done this past spring by Geoff Parnon through the Darien High School Class of 2016 annual internship program.  Gina Blum, executive director of At Home In Darien noted, “The walking program will be a great benefit to the town and will help in keeping Darien seniors engaged, active and healthy.”

For more information or to join the Darien Steppers, please call At Home In Darien at 203.655.2227.

At Home In Darien is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization whose mission is to help Darien seniors live independently, comfortably and with dignity in their own homes and the community as long as possible. For information concerning services, please call 203.655.2227 or visit:


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