Democratic Town Committee Endorses Ned Lamont for Governor, Susan Bysiewicz for Lt Governor

Susan Bysiewicz and Ned Lamont candidates Democratic primary 2018

Picture from Ned Lamont for Governor campaign website

Front, from left, Democrats Susan Bysiewicz, candidate for lieutenant governor and Ned Lamont, candidate for governor.

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On July 12, the Darien Democratic Town Committee unanimously endorsed Ned Lamont for governor and Susan Bysiewicz for lieutenant governor. The DTC urges all Darien Democrats to vote in the Aug. 14 primary either in person or by absentee ballot for those who will be out of town.

— an announcement Sunday from the Darien Democratic Town Committee

David Bayne, Darien DTC chair, said on behalf of the DTC:

Ned Lamont and Susan Bysiewicz are the strongest candidates for governor and lieutenant governor in the Democratic primary on Aug. 14 and they are best positioned to lead the Democrats to victory in November.

It is vital that Darien’s Democrats, and indeed all Connecticut Democrats, vote in the Aug. 14 primary for Ned Lamont and Susan Bysiewicz.

Susan Bysiewicz and Ned Lamont candidates Democratic primary 2018

Picture from Ned Lamont for Governor campaign website

Front, from left, Democrats Susan Bysiewicz, candidate for lieutenant governor and Ned Lamont, candidate for governor.


Ned is a straight-talking entrepreneur and businessman prepared to put his past success and experience to work for Connecticut.

Susan Bysiewicz’s many years of experience as a lawyer and as an elected official make her unquestionably qualified to lead Connecticut in the governor’s absence and to counsel Ned Lamont on how best to execute his vision for Connecticut’s future.

If 2016 taught the Democrats anything, it is: (a) that elections have consequences and (b) that Connecticut needs a governor and lieutenant governor who will fight to uphold Connecticut’s values against the worst excesses of the Trump administration.

The Darien DTC stands with Ned Lamont and Susan Bysiewicz and urges all Darien’s Democrats to vote in the Aug. 14 primary for Ned and Susan to ensure that they will be our candidates in November.

Absentee ballot applications are now available at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall and at the Registrars of Voters page and the town government website for those who will be out of town on Aug. 14


Editor’s note: In May, Lamont and Bysiewicz announced they were running together, supporting each other for the Aug. 14 primary. Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor appear on the same ticket in the general election ballot, but they are on separate lines in party primary ballots, and therefore need to win individually to be officially endorsed.

See also:

The other Democratic candidate for governor in the primary is Joe Ganim, mayor of Bridgeport.

Joe Ganim’s campaign website

Bysiewicz is running against one candidate for lieutenant governor, Eva Zimmerman

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