Families with boys and girls are invited to stop by the Scout Cabin at 140 West Ave. on Saturday Oct. 3 from 2 to 5 p.m. to see the scouts in action, participate in fun activities, and learn more about the Darien Scouting program.
— an announcement from Darien Scouts

The Andrew Shaw Memorial Scout Cabin, built in 1998. At least two other scout cabins preceded it on the property since the trust was founded in 1926.
While many youth activities have gone virtual or been cancelled altogether due to the pandemic, Darien Scouting has continued to provide programs for local youth to enjoy fun outdoor activities, build leadership skills, make lifelong friends, and provide valuable community service, all while following COVID-19 safety procedures.
Darien Scouting has programs for grades K-12 including Cub Scouts for boy and girl elementary students, separate boy and girl Scout BSA troops for middle and high school students, and the first-in-the-nation coed STEM Venture Crew for high schoolers interested in developing and teaching STEM-based curriculum.

Photo from Darien Scouting
A Darien Scouting activity
Programs are up and running now, and new Scouts can join any time.
For program and registration information, email darienscouts@gmail.com.