With whales being sited at this end of Long Island Sound, you may see one on a Maritime Aquarium cruise — and they’ve scheduled an extra one for today at 3:30 p.m.
Today’s “scenic coastal cruise” isn’t specifically for catching sight of a cetacean — it’s simply to enjoy being on the water. But you might see a whale.

Maritime Aquarium photo
Here’s the aquarium’s announcement about the cruise:
It’s perfect weather for a boat ride, so come out with us on the R/V Spirit of the Sound to take in sights along the beautiful Connecticut coastline and … if we are very lucky … get a look at one of the humpback whales recently seen in western Long Island Sound.
We make no promises or guarantees of seeing a whale. But, if your wish is to see one, we strongly discourage you from looking for these federally protected animals yourself on your own boat. Please let us do the driving and use the proper, correct and legal precautions.
Even without seeing a whale, it will be fun. Our educators will point out sights along the way (including historic lighthouses and gorgeous waterfront homes), share interesting island histories, and more.
The three-hour cruise departs at 3:30 p.m.
We will provide water. You may bring food and non-alcoholic beverages in a small bags or soft-sided cooler. Glass bottles are prohibited.
Tickets are $35 ($30 for Aquarium members). Advance purchase is strongly recommended. Capacity is limited to 35. Reserve your tickets by clicking on the “Buy Tickets” button or call (203) 852-0700, ext. 2206.