The United Church of Rowayton invites everyone to join in donating Easter baskets for needy children to be distributed by the Family & Children’s Agency.

Photo from United Church of Rowayton
In a photo taken last year, Charlette Harden displays one of the many Easter baskets collected by The United Church of Rowayton.
Children will receive the baskets just before Easter.
Donors are asked to fill an Easter basket with a few toys, small games and coloring books or wrapped candy.
Baskets can be dropped off at the Meeting House directly behind the church at 210 Rowayton Ave., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., starting now through April 9.
The drive is part of the church’s Board of Christian Outreach Program that helps support 21 community organizations.
For questions, phone, text or email Ray Meurer at (203) 856-4155,