An announcement from Darien Arts Center:
Auditions for the DAC Stage production of The Nerd, by Larry Shue are being held on Saturday, September 12 and Sunday, Sept. 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Darien Arts Center Weatherstone Studio, located at 2 Renshaw Road, behind Darien Town Hall.

Auditions for “The Nerd” will be held Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 12 and 13, 2015 at Darien Arts Center.
Callbacks will be determined. Bob Johnson will direct this two-act comedy that will run on weekends in November from Nov. 6 through 22.
The Nerd presents the story of Willum Cubbert, an unassuming young architect, who is landlord to Tansy McGinnis and Axel Hammond. The three are good friends.
Tansy is a smart, attractive woman, with an attraction to Willum; determined to leave in order to pursue a career in television meteorology in Washington, D.C.
Axel is a smart aleck drama critic who was once engaged briefly, to Tansy. Axel and Tansy are present when Willum, during a house party, becomes host to unexpected houseguest Rick Steadman, who had saved Willum’s life in Vietnam.
What Willum and Tansy never learn is that “Rick” is not actually Rick Steadman, the brave man who risked his own life to save Willum. The intruder is actually an actor, Kemp Hall, who was persuaded by Axel to impersonate Rick Steadman in order to make Willum understand his real priorities.
Kemp, playing the nerd, drives Willum almost to comical violence as he becomes increasingly impossible to live with.
Parts to be cast are:
- Willum Cubbert (male, mid-30s). A professional architect, likable and sincere, unexciting and set in his ways. Willum needs a little gumption.
- Tansy McGinnis (female, about Willum’s age). About to choose between her boyfriend Willum and her career as a weather girl. Tansy is bubbly, wry, and definitely her own woman.
- Axel Hammond (male, about Willum’s age). Dry, wisecracking, irreverent, devil-may-care theater critic who has never done an anonymous favor for anyone.
- Warnock Waldgrave (male, 35-50s). Powerful, stern, and successful businessman totally lacking in imagination. The last time Waldgrave smiled was 30 years ago, and then it was gas.
- Clelia Waldgrave (female, 30-50s). Patient but strained, harried but calm, the picture of a schoolteacher almost, but not quite stressed to her breaking point.
- Thor Waldgrave (male, 10-14). The son of Warnock and Clelia Waldgrave; a brat who is a temperamental, loud, boisterous, irrepressible young monster.
- Rick Steadman (male, mid-30s). Tactless, selfish, insensitive, aggravating, pointlessly dull, and the worst houseguest ever.
- Dean Winky. Voice-overs only, 1 or 2 lines each. These parts will be pre-recorded.
For more information go to or call (203) 655-8683.