Middlesex Has a New Mascot: Blue, a Dragon


Picture from Darien Public Schools website

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Middlesex Middle School (MMS) has a new, true “Blue” champion wandering the halls of the Hollow Tree Ridge Road campus.

Picture from Darien Public Schools website

Picture from Darien Public Schools website

The school’s mascot — the dragon — has gotten a makeover this school year courtesy of members of the MMS Student Council. Alongside the move from a green dragon to a blue one, the student council sponsored a Mascot Design Contest.

Aqua team student Keely O’Shea had the winning design (pictured in Blue’s hands above [editor’s note: The district website, where we found this announcement, cuts the bottom part of the picture off]) which will be used on advertisements and T-shirts.

“Middlesex has always had a dragon mascot. As our colors are blue and silver, we thought a blue dragon mascot was an appropriate choice,” said Jacqueline Luginbuhl, an MMS teacher and Student Council co-adviser. The other advisers are teachers Keriann Sievering and Jenny Lona.


an announcement from Darien Public Schools


Blue, who is played by rotating members of the MMS Student Council, has been busy attending a number of events. For the food drive for Darien Person to Person, Blue participated in the collection of 2,000 items for the food pantry. Blue has planned future engagements to attend special events like the Magazine Drive and Open House, according to the advisers.

“We hope Blue Dragon will promote school spirit and give an identity to the dragon mascot,” said Luginbuhl. “Students enjoy seeing Blue in the mornings and walking in the hallways — he has provided a lot of smiles.”

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