Graduation is at 5 p.m. today, Thursday, on the DHS Stadium Field. It will be held outdoors. No tickets are needed if the ceremony is held outdoors, and seating is unlimited.
According to this Darien High School Web page on the graduation ceremony:

That part about clicking through on the website? Not operative. Looks like the information has been removed a little early from the website.
“Gates open at 4 p.m. and seats are first-come, first-served. There will be folding chair seats on the field, as well as the entire home side bleachers. The stage is elevated so all seats on the field and bleachers have good sight lines.
“Note the temperature on the field is usually hotter than the ambient temperature, and it can be buggy as well. Bring along a cold water bottle as there are usually no concessions at graduation. […]”
“There will be a reception hosted by the DHSPA for all graduates, their families and guests in the Main Cafeteria immediately following the ceremony.”
Traffic and parking
“All traffic must enter via Noroton Avenue, as High School Lane and Nutmeg Lane will be closed. Parking will be very tight, please budget extra time. Handicap-accessible parking will be located in the lower parking lot near the stadium field. Let a traffic officer know if you need to park there and you will be directed accordingly.”
You can watch graduation in an air-conditioned gym
“Regardless of the weather, the graduation ceremony will be simulcast live in the air conditioned Main Gymnasium. Please note this location may not be comfortable for elderly or frail family members as seating is on folding chairs or in the bleachers. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
“On a hot day, this location is ideal for those who are uncomfortable outdoors in the heat. If the ceremony is moved indoors because of inclement weather, overflow seating is available, no tickets required.”
If the weather is bad
“If the weather is unsettled, graduation will be held indoors in the DHS Auditorium, and seating will be by rain ticket only. Any decision to move the ceremony indoors will be made at noon and will be final. Check the DHS website that day for the official notice. […]
“[D]oors to the Auditorium will open at 4:00 p.m. and seats are first-come, first-served. Admission to each level of the Auditorium will be limited to the number of seats available on that level (no standing). Because of the size of the graduating class, most of the lower level of the Auditorium will be used to accommodate the class. Once the ceremony begins all attendees in the Auditorium will be requested to remain in their seats for the duration.”