Letter to the editor:
For the first time since 2014, we have a contested Board of Education race and the opportunity to choose the best people for the job. We must pay close attention to our town’s education system and vote to elect the right people to lead our schools.

Two-cent U.S. postage stamp. You, too can put in your two cents’ worth with a letter to the editor published by Darienite.com. Email it to dave@darienite.com. Election letters will be accepted up to 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2020.
We are lucky to have a choice in candidates for Darien’s Board of Education. I am supporting Mike Burke and Sara Parent.
Mike is a lawyer who has served on the Board for the past six years. He has been an instrumental part of teacher negotiations and policy changes that have made Darien a better place to work for our teachers.
Sara is a trained educator. She has been a leader in our school community for years and knows the issues facing Darien’s schools well. Mike and Sara are the people we need to help our schools be the best they can be.
Margaret Rague
Editor’s note: Margaret Rague is a member of the Darien Democratic Town Committee. Burke and Parent are Democratic candidates contesting the two Board of Education seats up for election.