Coyotes Attacking Pets in Darien, One Dog Killed

Coyote ForestWander on Wikimedia Commons 912-13-16

Part of a picture by ForestWander on Wikimedia Commons


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The Darien Police Department and the town’s municipal animal control officer (MACO) have received several recent reports from residents about coyote sightings and some attacks on pets.  Over the past two weeks, there have been two reports of small dogs being attacked in the northern section of Darien.  In one of the incidents, the dog was killed.


This announcement (including the reposting of information from the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection) is from Darien Police Department. has moved some paragraphs.


Coyote 912-13-16

By ForestWander on Wikimedia Commons

A coyote

As coyotes have become more common and occasionally prey on small pets, public concerns about coyotes attacking people, especially children, have increased.

Although some coyotes may exhibit bold behavior near people, Animal Control Officer Chip Stahl states “Coyote attacks on humans are extremely rare, however aggressive behavior toward small dogs is common and more prevalent during the breeding season which typically runs from January to February.”


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This risk can increase if coyotes are intentionally fed and then learn to associate people and their residences with food. Follow the tips below to increase the safety of pets, enhance human safety, and learn how to coexist with coyotes.

To report coyote sightings in Darien contact: 
Darien Animal Control Officer: 203-662-5345
DEP Wildlife Division: (860) 424-3011

To report animals that are behaving abnormally or are posing an immediate public threat in Darien:
Darien Police Department 203-662-5300
DEP Emergency Dispatch Office (24 hrs.): (860) 424-3333

Note: The Darien Animal Control Officer WILL NOT “trap” or remove a coyote based on a sighting. 

The following is provided by the CT DEEP [Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection] Wildlife Division:

Tips on Preventing Conflicts with Coyotes

  • DO NOT allow pets to run free! Keep cats indoors, particularly at night, and small dogs on a leash or under close supervision at all times. The installation of a kennel or coyote-proof fencing is a long-term solution for protecting pets. A variety of livestock fencing and small animal pen designs can protect farm animals.
  • NEVER feed coyotes! DO NOT place food out for any mammals. Clean up bird seed below feeders, pet foods, and fallen fruit. Secure garbage and compost in animal proof containers.
  • Always walk dogs on a leash. If approached by a coyote while walking your dog, keep the dog under control and calmly leave the area. DO NOT run or turn your back. Coyotes are territorial and many reports of bold coyotes visiting yards, howling, or threatening larger dogs can often be attributed to this territorial behavior.
  • Attempt to frighten away coyotes by making loud noises (e.g., shouting, air horn) and acting aggressively (e.g., waving your arms, throwing sticks, spraying with a hose).
  • Be aware of any coyote behaving abnormally or exhibiting unusually bold behavior (e.g., approaching people for food, attacking leashed pets that are with their owners, stalking children, chasing joggers or bikers, etc.)  and report these incidents to authorities immediately.
  • Be aware of and report any coyotes exhibiting behavior indicative of rabies, such as staggering, seizures, and extreme lethargy. Daytime activity is not uncommon and does not necessarily indicate rabies.
  • Teach children to recognize coyotes and to go inside the house (do not run) or climb up on a swing or deck and yell if they are approached.
  • Close off crawl spaces under porches and sheds that coyotes or other animals may use.
  • Educate your neighbors. Ask them to follow these same steps.
  • Regulated hunting and trapping may be used to remove problem coyotes in areas where it is safe and legal to do so.
  • Contact the CT DEEP Wildlife Division at 860-424-3011 for more information on coyotes or other wildlife problems.


Editor’s note: Here’s some further information on coyotes:

From CT DEEP —

From elsewhere:

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