New Canaan has a household hazardous waste collection day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 12 (two Saturdays away), and Darien residents are welcome there.
The event takes place outside the New Canaan Wastewater Treatment Plant at 394 Main St.
— Information here is from the public works web page of the New Canaan town government website.
Darien residents are also welcome at household hazardous waste collection events in Westport on Oct. 3 and Wilton on Oct. 17 (the last one this year that Darien residents can go to). Darien held its collection day on June 6.
Some things to know:
—There is no cost for dropping off items at any of these collection events.
—Please have drivers license or registration readily available.
—Don’t leave your vehicle unless instructed to do so.
—No commercial (business) loads accepted.
What is household hazardous waste?
Household hazardous waste can be any improperly discarded product that can be classified as toxic (poisonous), corrosive, flammable or reactive (explosive).
Such products can be found in most homes, garages or workshops and when improperly disposed of can poison people and animals and pollute the home and natural environments.
Reading label precautions can identify many of these products. Look for the words: Poison, Corrosive, Toxic, Volatile, Flammable, Caution, Danger, or Warning.
How do I transport these materials safely?
—Bring materials in original containers securely closed
—Pack containers in sturdy, upright boxes and pad with newspaper if necessary
—Never mix chemicals together
—Never smoke or eat while handling hazardous materials
—Leaking or broken containers must be contained
—Do not leave vehicle unless instructed to do so!!

Household Hazardous Waste / Household Hazardous Waste
Examples of household hazardous waste (photo from the Darien Recycling Center on Facebook)
What do I bring?
From the workbench:
Oil based paints
Stains and varnishes
Wood preservatives
Paint strippers/thinners
Aerosol cans
From the garage:
Engine cleaner
Brake fluid
Car wax, polishes
Driveway sealers
Roofing tar
Swimming pool chemicals
From the yard:
Insecticides, pesticides
Chemical fertilizers
Weed killers
Moth balls
Flea control products
From the house:
Rubber cement
Fiberglass resins
Photo chemicals
Chemistry sets
Furniture polish
Floor and metal polish
Oven cleaners
Drain and toilet cleaners
Spot removers
Rug and upholstery cleaners
Fluorescent light bulbs
What not to bring !!
Latex paints
Empty containers
Commercial generated wastes
Radioactive wastes/Smoke detectors
Biological wastes
Prescription medicines/Syringes
Oil and antifreeze
Car batteries
Dry cell batteries
Propane tanks