Waveny Walker thumbnail 07-05-17

New Canaan Officials to Walkers at Waveny Park: Use Paths, Not Road

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Frustration with pedestrians who walk in the main road through New Canaan’s Waveny Park, just over the border from Darien — rather than on new pathways specifically created for them — is quickly turning into action, parks officials say. A road-walker in Waveny. Photo by Charlie Hobbs


— This article originally was published by NewCanaanite.com. _________

According to New Canaan Recreation Director Stephen Benko, despite the recent additions of three brand-new pedestrian paths that hug the roadway, many who come to the park to jog, walk their dogs or push baby strollers favor the roadway that’s meant for cars, raising traffic and safety concerns. “Unfortunately, we might have to put up a ‘No Pedestrians’ sign,” Benko said of the rising problem.

Christopher Lloyd at Waveny 03-03-17

Christopher Lloyd Talks About His Childhood at Waveny House Fundraiser

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Christopher Lloyd on Wednesday night stepped toward the limestone fireplace in the grand hall of his childhood home in New Canaan, just over the border from Darien, turned and told 50 town residents gathered there that returning to Waveny House reminds him of his past.  

On this evening — a cocktail party hosted by the Waveny Park Conservancy to honor the organization’s founders and supporters, and kick off fundraising plans for 2017 — the actor said he found himself thinking about “one particular incident” involving his father, Samuel R. Lloyd Jr.

“My father liked to have a cigar from time to time, and there was a humidor in that room, the billiard room,” he said, pointing past the staircase that New Canaanites for decades have climbed to reach the Recreation Department’s offices. ______________

— This article originally was published by NewCanaanite.com. ______________

“There’s still a billiard table in there, though for some reason it’s kind of dark. And there’s a humidor, and when I was seven, eight, nine years old, I became aware that it contained cigars, and I experimented.

NFL Punt Pass and Kick Competition 8-7-16

Kids 6 to 15 Years Old Invited to the NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Competition

The NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Competition will be held in New Canaan at the Water Tower Field in Waveny Park, on Friday, Aug. 19 at 2 p.m., sharp. The event is free to all area players. Boys and girls in five separate age divisions (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, and 14-15) compete against each other in punting, passing and place kicking in a fun and engaging forum. A guardian or parent must register players prior to the competition.