Beyond Darien
Replicas of the Nina and the Pinta in Bridgeport Over the Next Few Days
Replicas of two of the three small ships that carried Christopher Columbus’ expedition to America more than 500 years ago have docked in Bridgeport, and you’re welcome aboard. You’ve only got until Tuesday, July 4 (or maybe Monday). On Tuesday, the boats set sail from Bridgeport on a trip to Newburgh, N.Y. on the Hudson River (where you can see them for several days starting July 7). “We are a floating museum, and we visit ports all over the Western Hemisphere,” says the website of the Columbus Foundation, headquartered in the British Virgin Islands.
“The Niña is a replica of the ship on which Columbus sailed across the Atlantic on his three voyages of discovery to the new world beginning in 1492,” the foundation says.