ballot GOP Caucus 2015

Joe Miceli, Rob Werner, Chris Noe, Spencer McIlmurray Return Petitions for Fall Election

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Three candidates have returned petitions to be on the November ballot as independent candidates for first selectman, and a candidate who bid for the GOP nomination for selectman has also returned petitions. There also may be a GOP primary, if one candidate — Joe Warren — who asked for petition forms returns them by the deadline. Warren lost his bid in the Republican Caucus to be the party’s endorsed candidate for a seat on the Board of Selectmen. Rob Werner, Joe Miceli and Chris Noe have all returned signed petitions to be candidates for first selectman, challenging incumbent Jayme Stevenson, who has the Republican nomination. Miceli is a former member of the Board of Selectman; Werner and Noe have run for office before.

GOP Elephant

Letters: First Selectman and GOP Town Committee on Caucus

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Two letters to the editor: One from First Selectman Jayme Stevenson (which came in first), the other from Republican Town Committee publicity chairs on the recent caucus and GOP candidate slate:

From Jayme Stevenson, first selectman:
Dear Editor,

Monday night’s Republican Caucus was memorable in many ways.  More than 320 Darien Republicans came out on a hot summer night and casted their vote for an outstanding slate of Republican candidates,  including my Selectmen teammates Susan Marks and Kip Koons. Susan, Kip and I are eager to hear the thoughts and concerns as we work to earn your vote on Nov. 3.   It takes a solid team that’s committed to listening to our residents and business owners, and one that works together to keep our town well managed, open to opportunity, fiscally responsible and dedicated to maintaining Darien’s superb quality of living.  It’s also an honor and privilege for me to have earned the caucus endorsement and run for a third term as your First Selectman.