Letter letters

Letter: Take the Survey for Safer Walking and Biking in Darien

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To the editor:

There has been a growing awareness of the importance of safe walking and bicycling on the streets of Darien. In particular, the Board of Selectmen and the Town’s Public Works Committee (PWC) of the Representative Town Committee (RTM) have demonstrated an interest in Town assets and infrastructure relating to pedestrian safety, shared with the RTM’s Public Health and Safety Committee (PH&S). Aware of the need for more consistent engagement for pedestrian safety, the PWC recommended in December of 2014, and the Board of Selectmen approved in early 2015, the establishment of the Board of Selectmen Pedestrian Infrastructure Advisory Committee (PIAC) with nine appointed members. The work of the group is intended to broaden the outreach of the Selectmen and to engage the community in discussions regarding potential high-value improvements to Darien’s existing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Recommendations made by the PIAC and adopted by the Selectmen will be considered by the RTM during the 2016/2017 budget process and incorporated in the 2016 update to the long-term Plan of Conservation and Development of the Town of Darien.

Harmon Adelman

New Pedestrian Infrastructure Advisory Panel Takes First Steps

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A committee to recommend sidewalk and other projects for pedestrians in town held its first meeting Tuesday, elected a chairman and started researching information to help walkers, cyclists and others to get around town safely and easily. Members of the new Pedestrian Infrastructure Advisory Committee (created on Monday by the Board of Selectmen) will start gathering information on sidewalks in town, proposals for fixing or extending them and other ideas (like additional crosswalks) already proposed. The nine-member panel elected Beth Harmon as its new chairman (she was the only member who offered to take on the position) as well as Ted Hawkins and Pat Morrissey as co-clerks (to keep meeting minutes at alternate meetings). The committee expects to meet on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. and perhaps other times as it tries to come up with recommendations for town spending. The Board of Selectmen would like a list of recommendations for where to improve or install new sidewalks or other pedestrian-friendly projects by the last quarter of 2015.