Town Hall 2015

RTM Says Yes to: Checkout Bag Law, Replacing Ox Ridge School, Highland Farm Upgrade, DHS Track

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An ordinance restricting checkout bags at stores in town and a project costing about $63 million to replace the Ox Ridge School building were approved Monday night by the Darien Representative Town Meeting. The RTM also approved proposals to fund improvements at Highland Farm park (the 16-plus-acre tract of land the town bought from the Ox Ridge Riding & Racquet Club) and to accept a gift of as much as $300,000 from the Darien Athletic Foundation to construct a path for the Darien High School cross-country track team path around the edges of the high school campus. All of the votes cast Monday night were overwhelming majorities. The state Legislature on June 3 passed a statewide bag ordinance, which will start taking effect on Aug. 1 if Gov. Ned Lamont signs the legislation into law.

Health Certificate Frosty Bear 01-19-17

How Darien Schools and Restaurants Fared in the Latest Town Health Inspections

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Here’s how almost all Darien schools fared in Darien Health Department’s recent inspections, along with two food-serving establishments in town. The eight inspections occurred from  Oct. 3 to 10. Here’s an alphabetical list of the most recently released health inspection results (an explanation for each part of the list, including links, is just below the list). Keep in mind that a food-serving establishment with a history of good ratings may occasionally get a poor inspection rating, occasionally the best do, and every restaurant normally gets a few things wrong (an explanation of how this list is put together is immediately below it):

Editor’s note: The only school without a new inspection report made public this fall is Middlesex Middle School.