Avalon Bunge Marine Life Encounter Cruises

Get to Know Long Island Sound: Maritime Aquarium’s ‘Marine Life Encounter’ Cruises Start in May

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Get a deeper new appreciation for Long Island Sound when you meet some of its resident fish, crabs and other creatures, brought up wriggling and wet right out of the water right before your eyes, during a Marine Life Encounter Cruise offered by The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk. — an announcement from the Maritime Aquarium

These fun and memorable outings will be offered on most Saturdays and Sundays in May and June, with departures at 1:15 p.m. (There is no cruise on May 11.) Beginning June 25, 2019 they’ll run daily Tuesdays through Sundays through the summer. The 2.5-hour cruises give participants close-up, often hands-on introductions to a variety of fish, crabs, mollusks and other animals brought up onto the Aquarium’s research vessel. “Any boat ride is fun, but the Aquarium’s cruises offer the exciting bonus of giving participants an amazing window into what’s below the waves,” said Aquarium spokesman Dave Sigworth. The Marine Life Encounter Cruises bring up animals from different levels of the Sound’s depths.