Performing Stamford Town Center Mall 12-12-17

Darien Students to Perform at Stamford Town Center Mall This Week

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Amid the hustle and bustle of the holidays, visitors to the Stamford Town Center will have a chance to enjoy some holiday cheer from Darien students. Starting this week, Darien Public Schools will be having performances in the mall in the late afternoon. Director of Music Rick Sadlon said that this is the second year Darien has participated in the mall’s Holiday and Harmony music program. “Our teachers have welcomed the opportunity to have their students perform at the venue again this year. In this season of giving, we feel that it is important to share our gift of music and musical accomplishments with our friends and neighbors in the area,” said Sadlon.

Hour of Code DPS newsletter 12-05-17

Hour of Code in Darien Public Schools to Prep Kids for the Tech Future

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Dynamic presenters, programmable robots, and endless opportunities to experiment and tinker will be available for students across the district early this month. The Darien Public Schools, along with millions of students in more than 180 countries, will again be joining the Hour of Code. The Hour of Code started as a way to get students interested in coding, and has evolved into a worldwide celebration of computer science. For students, it also encourages problem-solving and creativity all while having some fun. Library media specialists, computer teachers, administrators, students, classroom staff, and school-based PTOs have coordinated a variety of events for this year.