Middlesex Middle School wikipedia 5-25-16

Another Swastika Found at Middlesex: School Assembly on Diversity and Name-Calling Announced

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For the second time in a week, graffiti featuring a swastika was found at Middlesex Middle School, this time in a restroom stall, school Principal Shelley Somers announced in an email to parents. The graffiti was found sometime today, Monday, in the morning. A Darien police detective took a picture and documented the graffiti, which also included a Star of David. “As part of our ongoing school-wide Social and Emotional Learning, I am scheduling an assembly with the Anti-Defamation League,” Somers told parents. The goal of the assembly is partly “to develop a common language for discussing issues of diversity, name-calling and bullying,” as well as to “provide a forum in which students will feel safe to speak out about issues of diversity, bullying and name-calling.”