Letter letters

Letter: State Rep Terrie Wood, Running for Re-Election, Has Listening Skills, Thoughtful Approach, Respect

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To the editor:

There could not be a more important time to have Terrie Wood serving as our state representative. Amidst all the anger and vitriol on today’s political stage, Terrie carries the proverbial olive branch.  Fiscally conservative and socially responsible, Terrie delivers on all that is important to Connecticut. Her listening skills are second to none, and I have to imagine her thoughtful approach and respect for all make her the most well-liked politician in Hartford. Terrie’s work on the Human Services Committee as well as Finance, Revenue & Bonding has been nothing short of exceptional. Her passion for and commitment to mental health, dyslexia and gun violence issues as well as fiscal discipline for Connecticut make her the most balanced, responsible legislator we could possibly hope for.