School District Officials React to Darien’s Performance on Statewide Tests
Update, after the presentation on Darien performance in state tests:
Darien school testing results were a mixed bag this year, with middle school students scoring extremely high and students in the elementary and high schools tending to score low or middling compared to similar districts. Superintendent of Schools Dan Brenner indicated he was skeptical that the wide disparity in scores for the different grades was something more than an anomaly in some of the tests — one of the tests, the “Smarter Balanced Assessment,” was given statewide for the first time this year. In the CAPT test given to 10th graders, Darien scored lower than other school districts in the “District Reference Group A” that the state set up to help with comparisons of school districts. In the Smarter Balanced Assessment test given to 11th graders, Darien’s score was second-lowest among comparable school districts. Elementary school test takers scored in the middle of the pack for most tests.