You may have heard of a “CSA,” “vegetable box,” or “farm share” before. CSA stands for ‘Community Supported Agriculture” and it means community members get together to invest in a farm during the winter or early Spring and then when the harvest season rolls out, they pick up a weekly package of vegetables at a designated pick-up location (like us, the Library).

A variety of vegetables (photo by Dana Payne)
In 2016, Darien Library will once again be the pickup location for Stoneledge Farm’s CSA. The farm share pickup will be every Wednesday evening from 4:30-7:30 p.m. running from June 8th until November 16th (24 weeks).
To take part, you have to sign up for a vegetable share. If you do, you can also sign up for a fruit, mushroom and/or coffee share, too.
There is the option to split a share. When you sign up and add the share to your cart, provide your share partner’s name, phone number, and email address.
Costs for a share are as follows:
- Vegetable — $520
- Fruit — $240
- Mushroom — $120
- Coffee — $126
Click here for more information, and here to register. The vegetables are grown locally so they are fresher than anything you’ll find in a grocery store, and incredibly varied.
— an announcement from Darien Library
As a member of the CSA, you will be asked to complete two hours of volunteer work during the season. Volunteers do things like check people in when they pick up their share, make sure the vegetables are replenished, or move boxes.
Questions? Please contact Mallory Arents, Head of Adult Programming, at