Don’t let COVID-19 let you feel so down that it interferes with your ability to help yourself or others. Get help, now, and here are some first steps suggesting where you might go.
In an ongoing effort to help town residents with many of the emotional difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the town Human Services Department and the Community Fund of Darien have gathered links to resources and put the information both online and in postcards being sent to residents this week.
Here’s their joint announcement, with Web links, and has added further information below that:
Monday’s Announcement
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our daily lives, stress, worry and fear can seriously impact our mental health. The “new normal” of unemployment or working from home, virtual learning, isolation from family and friends, and other uncertainties make prioritizing mental health even more challenging.
The added financial and emotional stress of the holiday season can also exacerbate an already difficult time for many, especially those living with depression or anxiety.
The Town of Darien Department of Human Services, in partnership with The Community Fund of Darien, is confronting these issues by providing resources and information for residents who are experiencing a mental health challenge or know someone who is.
In addition to information and links to mental health and crisis resources featured on its Department of Human Services website (, an informational postcard will be mailed directly to Darien residences this week.
The Department of Human Services also provides a wide variety of other services, including confidential crisis intervention, assistance with mental health, substance abuse and domestic violence issues.
Assessment for benefits and program eligibility, as well as emergency financial assistance, is available for any Darien resident. Please call 203-656-7328 to schedule an appointment or email

Community Fund of Darien
Image from a Community Fund of Darien post on Facebook
“The COVID-19 virus has had significant and lasting impacts on all of us,” Darien First Selectman Jayme Stevenson said. “We are afraid for our health and that of our loved ones. We’ve been isolated from family, friends and our faith communities and many have lost jobs.
“I’m deeply grateful for the work of the Darien Human Services Department in partnership with The Community Fund of Darien to support the mental well-being of our residents by connecting our community to life-saving mental health resources. Don’t wait — get help if you are struggling and share this information with others. We are here for you!”
About the Town of Darien Human Services Department:
The Town of Darien Human Services Department provides a wide variety of services, including supportive counseling, assessment for benefits and program eligibility, as well as case management for any Darien resident.
In addition, the staff provides crisis intervention, assistance with mental health, substance abuse and domestic violence issues. The department also provides emergency financial assistance. All client information is strictly confidential. For more information, visit
About The Community Fund of Darien:
The Community Fund of Darien (TCF) inspires people and mobilizes resources to strengthen our community. Its vision is for all community members to have the opportunity to reach their full potential as healthy, educated, and self-sufficient individuals.
TCF initiates solutions, builds collaborations, and implements and supports programs to strengthen youth, adults and families for lasting and positive impact in Darien, Norwalk and Stamford. Since its founding in 1951, TCF has distributed over $20 million to local nonprofit organizations and community initiatives. More information can be found at
Other Resources
The following resources may not provide the help you or your loved ones need, but you may find useful advice here. You can try what seems like it might work, evaluate that, and if it doesn’t, try something else. If your problems seem severe to you (or seem severe to others who know you), get professional help directly, and call the Darien Human Services Department. Remember that not all COVID-19 related problems are only in your head — you’ve got every reason to be under stress.
Mental Health and COVID-19 Videos from Darien TV79
This spring, Darien TV79 ran a series of videos about COVID-19 and mental health. While it’s possible some of this information is outdated, now that we know more about the coronavirus and since the challenges of the pandemic have changed, much of the information and suggestions should still be timely.
Here’s one sample video. You can find links to the rest here. and on Vimeo, here.
Reaching Out to Victims of Domestic Violence from Darien TV79 on Vimeo.
Two More Resources
Stamford Hospital: Nine Ways to Cope with COVID-19 and Seasonal Depression (Dec. 11)
Resources to Recover, based in Stamford, describes itself as “a free online service that helps people with mental health concerns connect with expert treatment and services.” It regularly publishes articles to help people with mental health problems. Here are some that touch on the pandemic and the winter season:
— How to Reduce Screen Time During the Winter Months (Dec. 20)
— 4 Ways the Pandemic is Impacting Our Mental Health (Dec. 16)
— Six Ways to Stay Sober this Holiday Season (Dec. 7)
— Telemental Health Services: Benefits, Considerations, and Resources (Dec. 2)
— What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder? (Nov. 30)