Video Still Kirsten Schriel 8-6-16

From the Air, See Town Hall, Library, High School, Police Dept, Spring Grove Cemetery

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Here’s a view of some places in Darien from a perspective that hardly anyone gets to see: From a drone video hundreds of feet from the ground. You’ll want to pause this five-minute video to catch some of the details of places you’re familiar with from the ground. Aerial Darien – 2016 from Darien TV79 on Vimeo. Note the way that many of the gravestones in the veterans burial ground of Spring Grove Cemetery are placed in a square, the light color of the Town Hall roof (which keeps off some of the heat on a hot day) and the dark Darien High School roof. The video was created by Kersten Schriel of Shadow Lounge Productions and produced by Cecil Wade for TV79.