
Workers Enter Wrong House: Burglar Alarm Brings in Police

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A homeowner who’s burglar alarm company alerted him to someone inside his house used surveillance cameras and saw three or four men removing boxes from it and putting them in a white van, he told police when he called them. Darien police gave this account of the incident:

Several police officers, already notified about the incident by the burglar alarm company, went to the Hickory Lane house to confront the men. The three men in the crew were told to lay on the ground and were handcuffed — before police learned that the men were workers for a window-replacement company and had been given the wrong address by a manager there. When police called to the window-replacement company, the manager told them that the wrong address had been mistakenly given to the workers (the Hickory Road resident had previously had work done by the same company). The address where the workers were supposed to be sent was across town.