Moms Morning In DCA 5-15-16

Meet a Firefighter! ‘Mom’s Morning In’ Field Trip to Noroton Fire Station

The Darien Community Association’s (DCA’s) Mom’s Morning In program is set to explore the Noroton Fire Station at 10 a.m., Friday, May 20. Kids get to climb on the trucks, watch the ladders go up, and even ring the bell! Fireman Joe will answer questions about the fire trucks and the firehouse, and give junior firemen a fire hat of their very own! Meet at the fire station at 1873 Post Road (across from St. Luke’s Church).

Join Amy Rogell Singing & Dancing at Mom’s Morning In

Amy Rogell will be at the Darien Community Association on Friday, Jan. 15 for her first time as part of the Mom’s Morning In monthly program. Amy began her career at the age of five in musical theater and from that moment on she never stopped singing, acting and dancing. When Amy became a mother she began composing and performing children’s music and is well known for her children’s CD series. She performs children’s concerts throughout the tri-state area and teaches workshops on creative movement and innovative music.