Horseshoe Crab
You and Your Kids Can Help Horseshoe Crabs Stay in Long Island Sound; Your Kids’ Kids Will Thank You
One of nature’s oldest – but diminishing – beach mating rituals is about to begin its annual springtime cycle, and The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk needs volunteers to help document it. — an announcement from the Maritime Aquarium
During the new and full moons each spring, horseshoe crabs come up out of Long Island Sound to spawn in the sand. It’s a perfect time to place tags on the animals for an ongoing horseshoe crab census, which has helped to show a steady decrease in their local population. Despite this decrease, enough crabs still come ashore that the Aquarium staff needs volunteers to help. “Joining this effort helps to provide important data about this amazing creature, which has survived since before the time of the dinosaurs but whose numbers are struggling,” said Bridget Cervero, Senior Education Manager for the Aquarium.