Community Fund of Darien Thanks ‘Got Resilience’ Panel, Organizers

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To the Editor:

The Community Fund of Darien would like to thank Darien parents for their commitment to building resilience in our town’s youth. With an impressive turnout of nearly 600 parents on a cold night last Tuesday, a panel of experts shared their challenges, stories and tips for parenting in the Darien community. We would like to thank the Darien High School and our co-sponsors for an exciting and unique collaboration between the Darien High School Parents’ Association, the Middlesex Middle School Parents’ Association, and The Community Fund’s Thriving Youth Task Force. The “got resilience?” panel had an impressive lineup of local experts who shared action steps parents can take to help their children develop the tools they need to be healthy, kind and successful at every stage of their lives. The panel included: Dr. Tara Levinson, pediatric psychologist, Dr. Jamie Roach Murray, pediatrician, Dr. Debi Boccanfuso, Middlesex Middle School Principal, Tracy Masella, Silver Hill Hospital Social Worker, and Vince Benevento, Counselor and Founder of Causeway Collaborative.