Local Republican Candidates Will Best Fight Overbearing State Government

Letter letters

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To the editor:

This Halloween season, Hartford is ringing the doorbell and demanding all types of goodies: school regionalization (virtually certain to rise again from the dead), a confiscatory tolling scheme (trick or treat!), mandatory increases to the minimum wage (a horror show for small businesses), and state-wide vehicle and real estate taxes (truly wicked).


Two-cent U.S. postage stamp. You, too can put in your two cents’ worth with a letter to the editor published by Darienite.com. Email it to dave@darienite.com.

These policies are being touted by a political elite so dysfunctional that they have resorted to including mileage reimbursements as earnings for pension purposes. If you want a good scare, forget Stephen King this year, just pick up a report from Hartford.

Resisting these disastrous policies and building a secure future for Darien requires strong local leadership. The Darien Republicans have put forth an excellent slate of candidates, led by Board of Selectmen candidates Jayme Stevenson, Kip Koons, and Christa McNamara.

Their “Darien Together 2019” campaign has made clear they intend to govern for ALL Darien residents. Their focus on fiscal responsibility, local autonomy, excellent education infrastructure, and small-town quality of life have proven durable advantages that have benefited all of us who have the good fortune to live here.

  • Editor’s note: Letters to the editor about the Nov. 5 election will be accepted up until 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 30.

The upcoming municipal election is not about impeachment, foreign affairs, or the second amendment. This election is about Darien and our common future. It is about fiscal responsibility and independence from an irresponsible and overbearing state government. It is about choosing the best team to manage the affairs of the Town of Darien.

This upcoming election, don’t embolden Hartford tricksters. Vote Republican on Nov. 5.


Rob Hulick Nolen Lane

Member, Darien RTC

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