Ed Rollins thumbnail 05-05-17

GOP Consultant Ed Rollins Speaks May 5 at Woodway Country Club

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The New Canaan Republican Town Committee is pleased to announce that Ed Rollins, political analyst, political campaign strategist and presidential advisor, will be the keynote speaker at the 11th Annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner to be held at 7 p.m., Friday, May 5, 2017 at Woodway Country Club. ____________

— This announcement previously was published by NewCanaanite.com. 

Click here for ticket prices. Click here to register and pay online. ____________

Mr. Rollins served in the administrations of Presidents Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Ronald W. Reagan and George H. W. Bush. He directed both the White House Office of Political Affairs and the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs for President Reagan; and in 1984, he managed President Ronald Reagan’s reelection campaign.