Cameron on Transportation
The Politicians and Bureaucrats Running State Transportation Policy Want to Keep Commuters in the Dark
Why do the folks who run our commuter railroads act like their customers are stupid Though desperate for ridership to return (to fight huge post-COVID deficits), they ignore legitimate commuter feedback and do everything they can to hide their failures. Case in point: the Commuter Rail Council, the independent watchdog group created by the CT legislature almost 40 years ago, on which I served for 19 years. During the Malloy administration we were getting a bit too vocal in our complaints, so a senior Democrat warned me (and another Council member) to cool it or “your little Commuter Council will be written out of existence”. Sure enough, they tried, slipping a bill into the hopper to eliminate our group and its criticism. To his credit, state Sen. Tony Hwang saved the day, rewriting the Council’s mandate, though in a much watered-down version.