Letter to the Editor Battle of Braddock's Field

Don’t Rely on the Courts to Crumple Trump’s Candidacy: Help Biden Win the Election in Battleground States

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To the editor:
The U.S. Supreme Court decision on Wednesday [to hear Donald Trump’s claim that he’s immune from criminal prosecution for acts committed as president] underscores the fact that these lawsuits are not going to be the lifeline many had hoped for. It’s up to us to help out wherever and whenever we can. From strictly an organizing lens let’s use the April 2 Presidential Preference Primary in Connecticut and the free publicity it will generate to sign up volunteers to protect democracy. While local town committees rightly focus a big chunk of their time on their local boards and commissions, they and this country may look very different (if they exist at all ) should President Biden not win in November. In Connecticut we are safe — so far.