Atlantic Sturgeon touch tank at The Maritime Aquarium, kid and adult

Atlantic Sturgeon: Amazingly Ancient, Sometimes Very Large, Long-Lived and Now You Can Touch Some

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Ever wonder what Earth was like 200 million years ago? Visit The Maritime Aquarium’s new Sturgeon Touch Tank for an up-close encounter with Atlantic sturgeon, whose ancestors swam through the water long before dinosaurs roamed. — an announcement from The Maritime Aquarium

“We are particularly excited about this new exhibit because it is especially rare  — only a few aquariums in the nation have sturgeon touch tanks,” said President and CEO Jason Patlis. “We hope visitors come and enjoy this very unique experience and learn about a very unique species.”

Once abundant, Atlantic sturgeon were harmed by over-fishing, pollution, and dams blocking river routes. Today, these fish are classified as an endangered species and there are conservation efforts being made on both the federal and state levels to protect them.