Creating a Committee to Oversee Great Island Phase I on Selectmen’s Monday Night Agenda

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The Board of Selectmen’s agenda for Monday night includes a discussion and vote on setting up a committee to plan and oversee adjustments to the Great Island property that the town expects to officially own in early May. According to a draft “charge” for the committee, describing various tasks or goals that members are appointed to oversee, includes this description of some of the changes that are expected on the property:

“Planning needs to start now for the work that must begin immediately after the acquisition closes in May. This work will include, but is not limited to, widening access roads, establishing initial parking areas, determining property hours, and creating required signage. Also important will be remediation of certain environmental issues, management and control of existing improvements, and provision of sanitary facilities.” The draft also says:

“The acquisition of Great Island presents a tremendous opportunity for the Town of Darien to expand open space and provide additional recreational opportunities for our residents.