Jake Sussman Westport Library event poster

Empowering Kids with Learning Disabilities: Presentation at Westport Library

Join Jake Sussman for an interactive and engaging program to learn proactive strategies for parents and educators to empower kids with learning disabilities. Sussman will speak Tuesday evening, May 7 at Westport Library. — an announcement from Westport Library

By sharing his own story of tackling learning differences, Jake instills hope and resilience in his audience, demonstrating that challenges can be transformed into real superpowers. Topics include:

Embracing how you learn
Becoming a better self-advocate
Finding healthy outlets
Managing time

About Jake Sussman
Jake Sussman is a Westport native and founder of Superpower Mentors, a mentorship platform that has facilitated more than 7,000 sessions, connecting youth to neurodiverse mentors worldwide. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Jake has spoken across the nation working with parents and educators on how to best reach the next generation of youth with learning disabilities.