Sound Waters Super Splash

Hundreds of people of all ages will run and jump into a chilly and refreshing Long Island Sound at high noon on Sunday, Feb. 11, at Cove Island in Stamford. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly rational.

an announcement from SoundWaters

When they emerge (quickly), they’ll wrap themselves in towels and warm up with donuts and hot chocolate on the beach.

Sound Waters Super SplashAll the Super Splashers are helping build the conversation about climate change. It may not feel it to the Splashers, but like oceans around the world, the waters of Long Island Sound are warming and it’s changing our local environment.

Many of the animals and plants we are accustomed to seeing in the Sound are under stress or just leaving for colder waters and we’re seeing more warmer water species. What does this all mean? We’re not sure yet, but we are sure who will have to deal with the effects: the next generation.

The Super Splash is raising money so SoundWaters can teach climate science to the next generation, giving them the tools to understand and manage climate change and its effects. So, is the Super Splash fun? Yes! Is it serious? Yes! Serious Fun.

Register before Feb. 1 for a chance to win one of 10 pairs of public sail tickets aboard Schooner SoundWaters.

If You’re Going …

When: 12 noon, Sunday, Feb. 11

Where: East Beach at Cove Island Park, Stamford

What: We’ll splash at noon and then enjoy hot chocolate and donuts on the beach


Adults: $30

18 & Under: $20

Teams? Absolutely! It’s way more fun to Splash as a team!

Fundraising: Optional, but when you register, you’ll automatically get a personal webpage you can customize for your family and friends and there will be great fundraising awards offered for reaching certain fundraising levels.

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