Reminder: Still Time to Drop Off Damaged, Worn American Flags for Proper Disposal

Flag flying Old Glory Flag Day
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When American flags get damaged, they’re supposed to be retired — and when they’re ripped, faded, tattered, torn and otherwise unsightly, it’s time to dispose of them in a proper, respectful manner.

Terrie Wood poster old flags library 06-01-17

Poster on the box for old flags in the “Main Street” lobby at Darien Library.

So state Rep. Terrie Wood, Darien VFW Post No. 6933 (at 205 Noroton Ave.), Darien Library and Darien Town Hall are sponsoring a collection of Old Glories that are too indisposed for display.

You can drop them off any time between May 26 and June 14 at three locations around town.

Keep in mind that with patriotic holidays coming up — Memorial Day, Monday, May 29 and the Fourth of July five weeks later (not to mention Flag Day on June 14), you might want a finer flag flapping on your flagpole.

As Wood put it in a recent announcement, “Memorial Day [Monday, May 29] is fast approaching, and it’s time to make room for fresh, bright and new American flags to display this summer.”


Why not set up a year-round disposal box at Darien Recycling Center?

Terrie Wood announcement Flag replacement 05-16-17

Flag Dropoff Box 06-01-17

Old flags dropped off at the box in Darien Library. You have until June 14 to take them there or at two other locations in town.

Editor’s note: This article originally was published May 16. The time stamp has been changed to move the link back to the home page, and illustrations have been added.

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