Darien High School students brought back three awards Saturday at the 2024 Technology Student Association (TSA) State Competition.
— an announcement from Darien High School
This annual event was hosted at Killingly High School and serves as a platform
for students to present their skills across various STEM-related
events. Eight DHS students participated in the event.
A particularly popular competition this year was the Dragster category, which requires students to design and build a CO2-powered dragster according to state specifications, with limited materials.
This year, there was a special requirement to include horizontal wings in
the front and back. Six Darien students participated: Aarohan Mehta,
Saanvi Ponipireddy, Ojas Kumar, Peter Simari, Sebastian Gardner and
Harrison Dilts.
Sachi Mehta secured first place in the Music Production category, and
Anoushka Muchhal secured third place in the same category. Both students partnered to receive first place in the Coding category.
Special recognition goes to Sachi Mehta for her election to the 2024-2025 Connecticut TSA State Officer Team.
Gregory Darin, a technology education teacher at DHS, led the Darien team.