Organize a Drawer workshop at DCA

Photo from DCA Newsletter

Organizing your home can be overwhelming. Ask any organizing expert and they will tell you to start small. Two local, professional organizers, are here on Thursday morning, May 23, to help you get started at the DCA’s Organize-A-Drawer Workshop.

an announcement from the Darien Community Association

Time to organize your space and simplify your life! Join Stefanie Jones (The Realistic Organizer) and Ana Oliveira (Top Team CT) and learn how to reclaim your drawers.

Say goodbye to clutter and hello to organized bliss. Bring a drawer from your home, think of the one that causes the most stress, and transform it in one fun morning! Coffee and light breakfast included.

Bring an actual drawer from your home (junk, sock, kitchen utensils, etc.) and they will help you transform it in one fun morning!  Don’t miss this opportunity to reclaim control over your space and simplify your life! Coffee and light breakfast included.

What to Expect

  • Hands-On Guidance: Practical techniques to declutter and organize your drawers.
  • Drawer Makeover: Maximize every inch of storage and transform your messy drawer into a streamlined space.
  • Tips & Tricks: Insider secrets for maintaining your newfound organization long-term.
  • Community Support: Swap organization hacks and share success stories.
  • Door Prizes: All attendees will have the chance to win organizing supplies to kickstart your clutter-free journey.
Organize a Drawer workshop DCA

Photo from the DCA newsletter

Now that’s one organized drawer.

If You’re Going …

The Organize-a-Drawer workshop runs two hours, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at the DCA, 274 Middlesex Road.

You can register here.

Member price: $25; non-member price: $35

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