Schools Superintendent Alan Addley said in his first newsletter of the school year that the schools opened smoothly, even with renovation projects still underway at three elementary schools.
Even the Pikmykid software the district has just started using and changes in special education transportation didn’t make the school opening rough.
Addley added: “Typically, bus issues for general education and/or special education settle down by the end of the first week of school.” He didn’t say whether or not there were any problems this year.
Here’s the full text of Addley’s email, with subheadings added by
Dear Families & Staff :
Thank you for making this first week of school a tremendous success for the students. There was much anticipation, joy, hope, and excitement as the school doors reopened to welcome everyone back to school. Teachers, staff and students were excited to reunite after the summer break.
The opening of school went smoothly, particularly given the Hindley, Holmes and Royle School renovation projects are underway, the roll out of the new elementary dismissal software Pikmykid, and a new district operated model for special education transportation. Typically, bus issues for general education and/or special education settle down by the end of the first week of school.
District Personal Mobile Device Plan
As previously communicated, the district is implementing a new PK-8 District Personal Mobile Device Plan where the use of personal mobile devices is prohibited. The district website provides a full description of the new guidance documents for elementary and middle school students as well as frequently asked questions and answers (Q&As). Thank you for your assistance. Full implementation starts on Tuesday, September 3rd.
As with all school policies, these guidelines require the active support of our parents and community. Please discuss this new policy with your child(ren) around the dinner table . We encourage you to monitor and model your child’s cell phone use. There is more to come on this topic in the future. In the meantime, I am confident , with everyone’s collective efforts, education, and consistent implementation of practices, that our students can, and will rise to the expectation where not having cell phones and devices in schools is the new accepted norm.
Sign Up for the District’s Weather Notifications
As experienced in prior years, it is not uncommon to have storms early in the fall. In anticipation of any inclement weather, it is important that all of your personal information is accurate and updated in Aspen. If you have not already done so, to ensure you receive notifications, please update Aspen with your personal information as soon as possible. Emergency Weather-Related Information including delayed opening and early dismissal times for the respective schools is accessible via the website.
How to Get Questions Answered
Every year staff and families move to Darien because of the exceptional school system. The district extends a special warm welcome to our new staff and neighbors. If anyone has questions at the start of the school or at any time during the year, you can access the Chain of Communication on the district website.
Welcome back everyone; enjoy the extended Labor Day holiday weekend and thank you as another year commences, for partnering with us in our labor of love in educating your children.